There are many ways to support your Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church Foundation. One of the most common means of support to the Foundation is through the gifts in honor or memory of a special person. You can give by means of a check, in the offering plate, dropped off at PHUMC or mailed to the PHUMC FOUNDATION, 4823 Woodlawn, Little Rock, AR 72205, or via our on-line giving portal. This link will take you to the PHUMC giving portal – please be sure to specify for whom the gift is given.
Willing Friends Society
The Willing Friends is a group of donors who have notified the Foundation of their plans to include the PHUMC Foundation in their estate planning. There is no need to quantify or provide any details of your estate. All we ask is that you let us know of your plans and if comfortable, allow us to include your name(s) in our materials. Click here to see the current members of the Willing Friends Society. Please contact the Foundation for additional information about this or any other ways to give to the Foundation.
Birthday Club 
The Birthday Club includes donors to the PHUMC Foundation who honor their or another specific person with a gift commensurate with the number of years being celebrated. Birthday Club gifts can be made either with a check in the offering plate, dropped off at PHUMC, or mailed to the PHUMC FOUNDATION, 4823 Woodlawn, Little Rock, AR 72205), or via our on-line giving portal with a memo about whose birthday you are celebrating. What a great way to celebrate birthdays and support your Foundation!
Other Ways to Give
If you wish to explore other vehicles to support the Foundation or to perhaps create your legacy with the PHUMC Foundation, visit the Your Legacy page or simply contact the Foundation Director via email Virginia Porta or by phoning 501.978.0510.